Thursday, September 26, 2013

Prepare for Chaos in the Cities

If human beings will fight each other in a line to purchase a piece of plastic and metal, then imagine what they would do if they feared for their lives?
Nobody is "STEALING" our personal property without getting their asses shot.
Anybody who authorizes gun confiscation is a traitor to the Constitution.
They are criminals, and they will be held accountable if they try it.
This isn't britain. henry porter is a shithead.
Americans don't bow to Unconstitutional demands. We have hundreds of millions of guns in this country.
The entire united nations armies do not have enough soldiers COMBINED to match the army of armed American citizens.
Don't let them assholes kid you. They aren't prepared for the anger that's building in the American gun owner.


  1. You White Conservatives neglect to realize that Poverty makes people cruel, and neglect so much that- if you go overboard shooting you will become International Pariahs and Racists forever. (Like Overboard= more than 3 dead Blacks 5 dead Latinos Nationally) It's so funny that you guys want them to protect Gun Rights with more Regulation. To give guns laws surrounding them would be an infringement of the Second Amendment rights.

    Now, how about them apples?

    - The Black Man

    ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside
    American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
    reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled,
    fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

  3. To the Black Man, Barack Obama is your greatest threat not white conservative.
