Thursday, September 26, 2013

We Must Choose Between Freedom Or Slavery – By Jason Liosatos

Choose and what you choose will be yours.
We are like an elephant in a circus. We get fed, kept relatively warm and sheltered, depending how hard and well we perform depends on how many benefits we get. We have to do tricks, get pushed around, get abused a little and work each day to get our reward. We don’t particularly like what we do but we are frightened of leaving because we have become so dependent on our ringmaster. S/he has convinced us that we are helpless without them and so we play it safe and stay, but each day as we get up early and go to work, we can see through the window to the outside with its freedom.

In our hearts we know we could look after ourselves, find our own food, make our own shelter and keep ourselves warm, but doubt and fear keeps creeping back in and makes us stay. It seems easier to just have someone tell us what to do at the circus, we have got used to it. Then we hear rumors that the circus is in terrible debt and may soon collapse, and more fear sweeps over us. We don’t know how to survive, we have forgotten how to find food. Now we become anxious and feel torn between staying or leaving.
We are currently like the elephants working every day in a collapsing circus. We know it’s falling down but we haven’t got the time to learn how to survive without it because we are working every day. Like passengers on a sinking ship, we don’t know whether to jump off and swim or stay on board and believe the captain who tells us all is well and he will take care of us.
We are approaching a moment where we will be asked to choose one of two paths, not by our money masters and oligarchs, but by our own souls which are crying for freedom. That time is coming very soon when the system as we know it will be on its knees, and in our vulnerable state, we will have to choose either our own path of liberation and freedom, which may at first be very challenging till we can establish a new way of living, without the control of the ruling cliques. Or we will allow ourselves to be coerced back into the system to be enslaved yet again, and the cycle of our enslavement will begin all over again. That choice will be easier if we prepare for it, and we really must prepare ourselves. – Jason Liosatos

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