Thursday, September 26, 2013

Paul Craig Roberts - Outside The Box - Episode 3

Jason Liosatos speaks to Dr Paul Craig Roberts, former head of policy at the Department of Treasury under Ronald Reagan, and editor of the Wall Street Journal. They talk about the casino like financial system and the destructive addiction of profit and control by those running the global casino. Paul outlines the consequences we could be facing if it continues its disastrous trajectory without vision or wisdom, and helps us understand where it all went wrong and why. They discuss Syria, as the Iraq deja vu, as it becomes obvious our governments are openly lying and will do virtually anything to push forward their hegemonic intentions worldwide, regardless of the damage to the population or the planet.


  1. A catch twenty one.
    There are ways by which a currency could continue to exist as in fact is just a name, for instance the dollar, its current problem is on the Federal Reserve Bank, which at the same time is the government reason, on this context. The nation can bar the Federal Reserve, and most of large banks that are involve with the Federal Reserve, however you can keep the small private banks; and print the paper yourself, however the currency cannot longer remain as the global exchange currency, neither it can be the energy currency, “petrodollars”. The value them are the items this economy produces, better the product, tougher the well being. Other nations will face the same predicament, more a battle of wiser inventiveness, than quantity consumption, as the quality of the products is what gives value to the currency. The dollar in relation to the product it exports as the rice, or any other product. The equilibrium in this case is the need of the item rather than its quantity. An expensive quality banana that balances the expensive I-phone, however a central neutral currency them it would be required, a new currency, “perhaps the BREN”.

  2. Hey Alfredo...when next you wish to comment ( hopefully never), turn the ABC book upside down as a reference source perhaps only then will your ramblings make sense to a teething baby...although even this is doubtful! Perhaps give up your toilet cleaning job at the local mental hospital and blog elsewhere full time!! It takes all types!!!!

    1. no matter somehow time will tell how the roman empire collapse, most individuals did not believe it as the american revolution or the french one, but the moment it takes place they do. so far facts are one thing words are another, and facts did came to rome and its collapsing empire as any empire on the planet that has ever existed it is america's turn and there is no way to avoided. end of $ as reserve currency is a fact. not even god can change the outcome it is just part of the plan the process, live existance you are born and one day you die. for the empires is the same, one day they die. only for america it is happening NOW.
