Thursday, September 26, 2013

Peter Schiff Bullish on Gold - Gold Will Reach New Highs - Peter Schiff Gold

Peter Schiff believes the market continues to find its way around obstacles large and small, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital continues to predict a wave of oncoming crises.

"It's a monetary problem we have. We have a dollar crisis coming, a bond market collapse coming," Schiff said on Thursday's "Futures Now."

He believes that debt will force the U.S. to print a great deal of money, causing a nightmare scenario for the U.S. dollar and the bond market. That's why he advises getting into gold.

After all, if the government prints more money, then the value of each dollar will drop. That means that it will take more of those dollars to buy a single bar of gold.

So with bond and dollar crises looming, "Gold is going to be a safe haven for all of that," Schiff said. "The fundamentals are fantastic."

1 comment:

  1. I don't think in times like these one could trust any country or company to store gold. Right now they are bailing in banks and steal their clients money, Stories have already surfaced of safety deposit boxes being robbed by officials. Anyone who has good (fortunate for them) should try to keep it where you can access it easily and be able to move it at a moments notice should Martial Law be declared and home invasions like for the guns. Get imaginative as to where you can hide it. It can't be that difficult after all I know for a fact that they will never get all the guns because millions are unregistered and hidden very cleverly out of reach. Only the stupid keep them in their homes only one is needed not an arsenal.
