Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Dangers of Vaccines & Alternative Health and Healing ~ Dr. Leonard Horowitz

Date: 10-19-10
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Leonard Horowitz

Authority on public health and consumer protection, Dr. Len Horowitz touched on a variety of topics including the dangers of vaccines, methods of natural healing, and how a spiritual renaissance is changing medicine. He also discussed the "Illuminati" plan to reduce the world population, and the Denver Airport murals, which he said symbolically depict the New World Order agenda.

Hororwitz suggested that 528 hertz is a healing frequency that can help people relax and breathe better. "In musicology, it's actually called ecstatic listening...and all of nature is celebrating that frequency of 528 hertz...It is the heart of the universe," he commented.

Regarding natural remedies, he advocated a five-step process to combat disease: detoxification, alkalinization, boosting the immune system, oxygenation, and bio-energizing. The last step can be accomplished through prayer, sound, color, frequency, resonance, or music-- "this creates an energy of spirituality that is impregnable...against infectious diseases," he stated. He also recommended OxySilver for eliminating infections, and hydrosonics-- water resonating at a certain frequency, for healing.

1 comment:

  1. Well this is very interesting indeed.Would love to read a little more of this. Great post. ALTERNATIVE HEALTH AND HEALING
