Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rand Paul: I Will Not Sit Quietly and Let Obama Shred the Constitution - Senate Filibuster 3/6/2013

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is on the Senate floor trying to block the nomination of John Brennan as the next CIA director. Paul is angry over the Obama administration's controversial drone policy that officials now say may authorize the president to use a drone strike against an American citizen inside the United States. In the clip below, Rand Paul says, "This is not about partisanship. I have allowed the president to pick his political appointees, but I will not sit quietly and let him shred the Constitution. I cannot sit at my desk quietly and let the president say that he will kill Americans on American soil who are not actively attacking a country."


  1. "I will not let the president kill american's on american soil,""WHO ARE NOT ACTIVELY ATTACKING A COUNTRY""... How about "I will not let the president kill american's on american soil with drones for any reason period. This country is so far gone, I can't even believe we are even discussing this whole fact about using drones period!! The president is not god, even though in his mind, he thinks he is. To kill anyone with drones anywhere and kill innocent people along with so called "bad guys" should not even be an option. People, please realize there is not left/right, dem/rep. There is only one agenda these days, one party. Elections are totally fraudulent. None of this will be fixed with elections, that is almost laughable, in a bad way. It is good vs evil, truth vs lies. I commend Rand for what he is trying to do, but he cannot win this evil game, playing by the evil game's rules. It is over, to entrenched. Please prepare yourselves.

  2. Anonymous-BEAUTIFULLY PUT!!! Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, after I thank the Lord for the day, I wonder what FRESH HELL awaits us? If there was a safe harbor to run to, I would in a HEARTBEAT, but, unfortunately, there isn't. Our prayers and acts of charity will see us through until this NIGHTMARE that we are living FINALLY breaths it's last.

  3. Humanity's ascension of consciousness is a done deal on the inner planes. Let Obama and his cronies shred the Constitution. It will be replaced by something better, and they will have to answer to 'the Dreadful Judge' predicted by St Malachi in 1100. Even The Pope has done a runner!
