Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Clif High – Soaring US Economy and More 2018 Predictions
Internet data mining expert Clif High has a brand new report called “Soaring Twenties.” Clif High says there is good news coming, but not just for 2018, many years after. Clif High explains, “There is a really interesting set of data that’s been building for some time, and we have had this big flush of long term data, which is why I decided to do this report that is going out five years. I named it the “Soaring Twenties,” even though we are not into the 2020’s. . . . Our 2020’s, to some extent, are replicating the kind of language in the newspapers and limited news reels they had at the time of the 1920’s. Only instead of being “The Roaring Twenties,” we’re going to have a “Soaring Twenties.” Clif High also talks about a coming “bond debacle,” soaring gold and silver prices in 2018 . . . the future of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies, “legal actions will be taken” against the bad actors in government and the “Deep State.” Clif High also predicts some “fantastic levels of business failures.”
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Clif High on Bitcoin Antarctica and The Future
Secrets Revealed as Government Collapse/Restructuring Takes Place
Clif High returns to provide fresh insight into the daily headlines and future. We focus on government struggles, dollar reset, cryptocurrencies, ancient archeology, new technologies, and much more. This is part one of a 3 part series.
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Clif High – Crypto Currencies Break Loose, then Gold & Silver
Where does Internet data mining expert Clif High see Bitcoin going in the hyperinflation we are heading into? Clif High says, “I’ve got what you call a strike point, a numeric value our data sets are aiming at that shows Bitcoin should be about $13,800 sometime in early February of 2018. That will basically be a fivefold increase at what we are at now. . . . I always thought cryptos would have to break out first in order to upset . . . the structure of the central banks so silver and gold could break loose. I suspect silver will break loose. The rocket shot on that will be staggering, but bear in mind I am the Internet’s worst silver forecaster. I have had silver at $600 per ounce in our data since 2003. If that occurs, look at how shocking and rapid that rise is going to be.”
High goes on to say, “Gold and silver are the most undervalued assets on the planet.” . . . And he predicts “by early February, gold will be at $4,800 per ounce and silver will be around $600 per ounce.”
High also says, “The Fed can’t kill crypto currencies . . . The elites are fearful because they can’t control crypto currencies, and they can’t suppress them. There will be no more source of free printed money for bribing people. . . . When the dollar dies, the corruption and crime will be revealed.”
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Monday, May 22, 2017
Huge Crisis Headed Our Way, Credit Freeze, Bank Runs & Riots -- Clif High
Like the pyramids in Egypt, just like many things all conform to the Fibonacci numbers. If you count a complete cycle you have 144 waves total. This is mans situation. You don't learn moving forward, but rather when there's a correction. We can predict the future. Man is predictable, as the stock market crashing. It's astonishing how Jerry Lucas computerized the Bible. You begin to see that God didn't make one single mistake. God has a numerical language and numerical control of everything in the universe, the stars, the planets under a balanced system He's devised. God knows every hair on your head. He knows what you're thinking and doing right now!
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Sunday, April 9, 2017
The Fed Will Crash -- Clif High
Internet Data mining expert Clif High’s latest report says, ““The emotions at the moment are projecting a crash of the ability of the state to function. . . . We have the projection that there is going to be some sort of big government crash. It concerns funding, interruption or something. . . . We have something akin to a definition change relative to bonds. . . . One way to think about this is there is going to be a human collective or re-understanding, or new understanding, about the whole bond market as we go forward in August, September and October. This is going to cause huge disruptions for governments, which basically depends on the bonds as its source of funds. I don’t know what that definition is going to mean, but the way the language is presenting itself, it’s very much like the same language that appeared in newspapers ahead of the Bretton Woods conference. . . . At that time, a bunch of countries got together around WWII and talked about how to deal with gold, money and the dollar after the war was over. . . . We have that same kind of language now relative to the bonds. . . .This redefinition is going to cause real problems relative to governments. If I had to guess, I don’t think we will have a stock market crash, but a government crash or Fed crash or bank crash. I don’t think a stock market crash will be meaningful because by the time it crashes, nobody will care because before we get there, the Fed will crash. The Fed is the market.”
Maybe this is why Clif High is also seeing language that prices are going up for things like Bitcoin, gold and silver. Clif is seeing the term “gold fever” repeatedly. He is also seeing the term “silver rush” for the white metal.
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Thursday, March 30, 2017
EU is falling apart - David Stocksman, Clif High, X22 Report, Webbot, Peter Schiff, Harry Dent,
Why You Should Invest Investing has become increasingly essential over the years, as the way forward for social security advantages becomes unknown. People want to insure their futures, and so they know that if they’re relying on Social Safety benefits, and in some circumstances retirement plans, that they could be in for a rude awakening once they now not have the ability to earn a gentle income. Investing is the answer to the unknowns of the future. You could have been saving cash in a low curiosity financial savings account over the years. Now, you need to see that cash develop at a quicker pace. Perhaps you've inherited cash or realized some other kind of windfall, and also you want a strategy to make that money grow. Once more, investing is the answer. Investing can be a means of accomplishing the things that you really want, reminiscent of a brand new house, a school training on your children, or expensive ‘toys.’ Of course, your financial objectives will determine what type of investing you do. If you would like or need to make a lot of money fast, you’d be more interested by greater threat investing, which will provide you with a bigger return in a shorter amount of time. If you’re saving for one thing in the far off future, akin to retirement, you would need to make safer investments that develop over an extended interval of time. The overall goal in investing is to create wealth and security, over a interval of time. It is very important keep in mind that you will not at all times have the ability to earn an earnings… you will finally wish to retire. You also can’t rely on the social safety system to do what you expect it to do. As we have now seen with Enron, you also cannot essentially rely in your company’s retirement plan either. So, again, investing is the important thing to insuring your own monetary future, but you could make good investments!
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Clif High Webbot : America will become like Zimbabwe by August of next Year
Internet research expert Clif High says his most recent research, which he calls “predictive linguistics,” points to a dollar crash and a bond market crash this year. “We have seen for years it would be coming out of Europe before it hits the U.S. It’s all going to spring from the Italian banks…”
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Clif High Warns : The Chaos Starts Middle of March
Internet data mining expert Clif High says his latest research shows the mainstream legacy media is fearful. High predicts “1/3 of our broadcast media personalities . . . those famous faces, will either be arrested or flee the country” over sex trafficking or the cover-up of it.
High also has new data on dramatic price movements for gold, silver, Bitcoin and all sorts of chaos starting in the middle of March. High says that Trump has basically caught a wave of change and “Trump is a very good surfer.” High says don’t expect Donald Trump to be removed from office. High says, “The Trump rally, in terms of his popularity, will keep rising.”
High will also update us on revelations in Antarctica and has new information about Mars. More and more technology is going to be coming to the surface, and it will change humanity.
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Clif High of HalfPastHuman.com.
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The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller
David Rockefeller is dead. But what does it mean? How do we measure the life of someone who has shaped the modern world to such an extent? Join us for this week's edition of The Corbett Report where we examine David Rockefeller's life, his works and the world that he left in his wake.
David Rockefeller, last surviving grandson of oiligarch John D. Rockefeller, is dead. We are told he died in his sleep at the age of 101 this past Monday, and with him the third generation of the infamous Rockefeller dynasty (the fourth if you count John D.’s bigamist, snake oil-selling father) is at an end.
So what does it mean? How do we measure the life of someone who has shaped the modern world to such an extent?
One measure of a man, some would say, are the friends that he leaves behind. In that regard, consider the people who are now stepping forward to pay tribute to David Rockefeller and his legacy.
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Clif High : The Economic Crisis Will Start This Year & Last For 5 Years
They will get us trapped in the cashless prison....possible credit freeze...climate change on both fronts.
Most people are already aware of the decline of their purchase power .....now it's time they awake to the evil of the truth and have to make a choice .
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Friday, March 17, 2017
Clif High Warns Web bot, Bitcoin, & COMEX Are All SCREAMING HYPERINFLATION!
Web Bot is an internet bot computer program whose developers claim is able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the internet. It was developed in 1997, originally to predict stock market trends.[1] The creator of the Web Bot Project, Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, keep the technology and algorithms largely secret and sell the predictions via the website.
Internet bots monitor news articles, blogs, forums, and other forms of Internet chatter. Words in the lexicon are assigned numeric values for emotional quantifiers such as duration, impact, immediacy, intensity, and others. The lexicon is dynamic, and changes according to shifts in emotional tension, and how humans communicate those changes using the Internet. As of 2008, there were about 300,000 keywords in the lexicon, along with emotional context,[2] which are fed into a computer-generated modelspace. The operators of Web Bot interpret the bot's results and make a report called the "ALTA report" available on their website to paying subscribers. ALTA stands for "asymmetric language trend analysis".[3] Many believe the predictions are pseudoscientific and too vague to be meaningful.[4] Despite this, the creators have made many claims after the fact that their reports have predicted important events.
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Thursday, February 9, 2017
The Economic Crisis Will Start This Year & Last For 5 Years:Clif High
our US debt clock is constantly moving higher! Especially when the government only pays the interest on the debt and has to borrow the money to pay the interest on the debt. Any blithering idiot can see this one fact and realize Clif High is right and that the compound interest on 20 Trillion + debt is unsustainable, which in turn means our country is in for a huge crash!
Currency is created a few different ways. The US Treasury creates bonds lets say 100 billion and can sell them to US Banks, then the Federal Reserve which doesn't really have any $ buys the bonds from the bank and puts electronic digits in the Banks acct. An easy way to think about it is the Goverment buys its own debt creating $ and debt at the same time. It's a form of counterfeiting so the Goverment won't prosecute it's self. The Fed also buys toxic debt from the banks bailing them out and giving them more currency to loan. Another way is when you deposit $1,000 in a checking acct the bank loans out $900 and that gets deposited to another bank and that trickle effect from bank to bank is estimated to create $10,000
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Monday, November 14, 2016
Clif High -- DOW & Gold $125,000-Hyperinflation Coming
On gold and silver, Internet data mining expert Clif High says never mind the recent price drop. High says, “They’re real money, always have been, and you are going to need it. . . . How can it be silly to hold real money? Americans are going to have to face up to the fact that we have been deluded by a propaganda press that was attempting to sow a particular viewpoint around the world. We tried to conquer the world with dollars and the threat of bullets . . . . Our dollars were accepted all around the world, and people gave us real stuff for those green pieces of paper. They’re not going to do that anymore. So, if you want that coconut from Malaysia . . . you are going to have to pay something that has value. Those little green pieces of paper will not after a short period of time. They are going to have value inside the country for a while, but outside the country, people are going to say I want gold or silver or oil. I want to see something of value.”
High can’t name a price for gold and silver, but his “predictive linguistics” says, “At some point in 2017, probably past mid-year, we’re going to be looking at hyperinflation so bad that the DOW will be measured around $100,000 to $125,000. Meaning, the dollar will be so worthless that it will take $125,000 to buy the little basket that is the DOW. I also have language that says an ounce of gold will be approaching the DOW in terms of value. This is not ludicrous. In the last depression in 1933 and 1934, after the shutting of the banks . . . we had a point where gold and the DOW were the same, and gold dominated the DOW for decades.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Internet predictive linguistics expert Clif High of HalfPastHuman.com.
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Huge Crisis Headed Our Way, Credit Freeze, Bank Runs & Riots -- Clif High
Halfpasthuman Adventures in future viewing using predictive linguistics, a field i invented in 1993. Programmed in Prolog (AI computer language), our word/phrase centered process extracts naturally occurring 'leaks' from the psychic parts of everyone as they perform their routine communications. Located at the south end of the Salish Sea, we are also naturally involved in boat/water life here in the PNW of USA. Building a pacific Proa catamaran with a sail plan of my own invention (Advanced Crane Sprit Rig) due to be launched as a video platform and fast local transport this year. Also have a fleet of skin on frame vessels including Qui-oki-oki, a sailing trimaran adaptation of an umiak. Fiercely dedicated aikidoka focused on life, freedom, and the future. Free the American people from tyranny, reject the Fed's FRNS (fake money called dollars) and embrace Bitcoin, gold, or silver.
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Friday, March 18, 2016
Clif High -- Web Bot Trends: The World in 2016
S y n o p s i s
This is a 3-hour interview discussing the latest ALTA report as well as the most important events affecting humanity.
Topics discussed: San Bernardino Attack Hegelian Dialectic returns Gun control discussion The mainstream media as propaganda machine Paris Attack Analysis Vladimir Putin Types of individuals: R or K / Stoic vs Epicurean Hyper-sexualization of the youth The death of the US dollar empire ISIS / ISIL / Daesh How a terrorist is created and the war machine perpetuated History of Saudi Arabia and their role in creating terrorism via the Wahhabist virus What killed planet Mars Terra discussion and the possibility of Hurricane Patricia being psyop Climate Change agenda Solar cycles Precious metals Yuan accepted by IMF as one of the basket reserve currencies (10.4%). Inter-dimensional threat (TPTB are afraid of something) Video games-military recruitment connection Chinese uncover underground facility from an ancient culture with serious finds. Europe leaning right due to forced immigration and threatening their cultures Reverse migration in USA due to economy and in Europe due to rise of right. TPTB goal is to eliminate nationalism and flood developed countries with migrants at an exponential level. They want Earthers. Japan leaves pacifism behind to get out of financial recession/depression (a la Margaret Thatcher) but the populace is rejecting this. Secession movements grow in the USA (Texas takes the initiative) Mutiny in the Air Force. Revolt in the Army. All due to forced immigration to the USA. Muslim population/immigrants will be relocated to the western United States. Election process in 2016 will fracture in the USA due to economy March-July 2016 hyperinflation in the USA China will experience a large-scale UFO wave Clif's argument against the flat earth theory Has Clif ever seen a photograph of Earth that is not CGI? Watch yourself - self preservation - stay healthy (listen to Sanitas).
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Clif High on Strange Universe Radio - July 24th, 2012 - The Shape Of Things To Come
Advanced Neurological Cognitive War Weapons. Frequencies & Signals. Just like the old days when broadcasting signals contained subliminals in the tv shows. Neurological manipulation, modification and changes - cell phones, telephones, tv, radio, internet broadband, radar. SIGNALS =REMOTE Neuro Monitoring as well as manipulation through open air waves. Cranial Stimulation without electrodes probably not even doctors.
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Clif High -- Web Bot Trends 2015
This is an exclusive 2.5-hour presentation with Clif High from www.halfpasthuman.com. The first hour is available as a courtesy of www.VeritasRadio.com. To listen to the other 90 minutes subscribe at http://www.VeritasRadio.com/subscribe...
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Clif High IDIR, Death of Dollar, Structured Water, Meditation, Lotus, Chakras, Third Eye -- 27-Jul-2014
Recording Date (start): 27-Jul-2014, 07:30 AM Pacific Coast of North America Time
Release Date: 27-Jul-2014
Runtime: 00h 26m 57.3s (1617.3s)
Topics Discussed:
Spinning Meditations
Thousand Petal Lotus
Chakras, Third Eye
Property Acquisition
Pineal Gland, Chemtrails
Death of the US Dollar
Structured Water and Arthritis
Clif Refers to Sean David Morton on Bonds
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Clif High IDIR, Suicided Woman, Illuminati, Economy & Black Swans, SpaceGoat Farts, Time 28-May-2014
Immediacy Data Intelligence report May 28 2014, Reflecting marsh, boats & uniforms, temporal markers for summer 2014 (northern hemisphere), officialdom distracted, Fat Black Swan settles down mid August, AG to AU Union, and more
Recording Date (start): 28-May-2014, 12:25 PM Pacific Coast of North America Time
Release Date: 28-May-2014
Runtime: 00h 47m 02.0s (2822.0s)
Topics Discussed:
Officialdom (G.U.S.)
SpaceGoat Farts
Economy & Black Swans
Suicided Woman Dumped
In Reflecting Marsh Waters
Southeastern U.S. Uniforms
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Clif High Wujo, Silver Options, Fall of Anglo-American Empire, Markets Crash 21st & 29th -- 16-Apr-2014
Recording Date (start): 16-Apr-2014, 12:32 PM Pacific Coast of North America Time
Release Date: 16-Apr-2014
Runtime: 00h 33m 45.9s (2025.9s)
Topics Discussed:
Death of Anglo-American Empire
Gold and Silver Options
Gold Backed Chinese Yuan
Gold Backed Russian Ruble
$20 per gallon Gasoline?
Blood Sucking Parasitic Elites
Markets Crashing 21 & 29 Apr?
Immediacy Data Intelligence Reports
Blog Archive
“once a standing army is established, in any country, the people lose their liberty.”
George Mason
“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger
“If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised.”
Henry Kissinger
"We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?" Joseph Stalin
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin
Governments keep a lot of secrets from their people . . .
Why aren't the people in return allowed to keep secrets
from the government?
“Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen Weiss
“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice, July - August 1941
Taxing People is Punishing Success
There's the rich, the poor, and the tax payers...also known as the middle class. Robert Kiyosaki
The Tax you pay is The Bill for Staying Stupid
Stefan Molyneux
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L L B Angus
The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.
The Rothschild Bros
"Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers.
This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world.
By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished."
USA Banker's Magazine, August 25 1924
Cutting Tax Rates stimulates Economic Growth creates more Profit , more Jobs and therefore The Treasury ends up with more Tax Money
Taxation is legalized Theft
"The Objective of the Bank is not the control of a conflict , it's the control of the debt that a conflict produces . The real value of a conflict , the true value is in the debt that it creates . You control the debt , you control everything . this is THE VERY ESSENCE OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY , to make us all , whether we be nations or individuals , SLAVES TO DEBT " An UNKNOWN Banker
Patriotism is the last refuge... to which the scoundrel clings .... Steal a little and they throw you in jail ..steal a lot and they make you king ....
Bob Dylan
"Corporations are stealing billions in tax breaks, while the confused, screwed citizenry turn on each other. International corporations have no national allegiance, they care only for profit." Robert Reich
There is NO political answer to a spiritual problem!
Steve Quayle
Political Correctness is a Political Stand Point that does not allow Political Opposition , This is actually The Definition of Dictatorship
Gilad Atzmon
The modern definition of racist is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal
Peter Brimelow
When People lose everything and have nothing left to lose , They Lose It !
Your Greatest Teacher is Your Last Mistake
The one who Controls the Education System , Controls Perception UNKNOWN
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."
Albert Einstein
No man escapes when freedom fails; The best men rot in filthy jails. And those that cried 'Appease! Appease!' Are hanged by those they tried to please
Freedom is not Free
Don't Steal The Government Hates The Competition
Ron Paul
"Buy The Rumor , Sell The Fact " Peter Schiff
You can love your Country and not your Government
Jesse Ventura
" The Government Works for ME , I do not answer to them They Answer to ME "
Glenn Beck
"Tyranny will Come to Your Door in a Uniform "
Alex Jones
"The Government is not The Solution to our Problems , The Government is The Problem "
Ronald Reagan
"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato
The world is a tragedy to those that feel, and a comedy to those that think...Beppe Grillo
"The people should not fear the government for it is the government who should fear the people" UNKNOWN
"If You are looking for solutions to the world's problems , look in the Mirror , You Are The Solution , You have the power as a human being on this planet " UNKNOWN
"They don't control us , We empower them " UNKNOWN
"Serial Killers do on a Small Scale What Governments do on a large one..."
Serial Killer Richard Ramirez
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
Thomas Jefferson
Albert Einstein
Schools manufacture people who think that they're smart but they're not.
Robert Kiyosaki
Education is what you learn after you leave School
Robert Kiyosaki
" Schools were designed to create employees for the big corporations."
Robert Kiyosaki
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so" Thomas Jefferson
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
Thomas Jefferson
“True education makes you feel stupid. It makes you realize you have so much more to learn.” Robert Kiyosaki
"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." - Gerard Way
"Aspire not to have More but to be More "
The losers in life think they have all the answers. They can’t learn because they’re too busy telling everyone what they know.
Robert T. Kiyosaki
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. -This time more intelligently." Henry Ford
What You Own Owns You
If you expect the government to solve your problems, you have a problem. Robert Kiyosaki
"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Always trust someone who is seeking the truth , never trust someone who found it" Jordan Maxwell
Be The Change you want to see in The World
Failure inspires winners but defeats losers
Robert Kiyosaki
“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” A Chinese Proverb
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." UNKNOWN