Unaffordable food and soaring health costs, worker shortage, and empty shelves at grocery stores. We just added another 1.2 TRILLION in debt and they are working up their next multi TRILLION dollar bill. The Department of Energy Secretary just admitted that heating oil will cost 50% more this winter. Good luck to those of you who heat your homes with oil. The middle class and poor people are being crushed by inflation. Inflation over the past twelve months surged to a 31 year high as rising prices undercut President Biden and hurt consumers despite evidence of US economy is rebounding from the pandemic. His inability to handle the broken supply chain is inflationary.And planning on windmills, solar panels and EV charging ports that won't be in effect until 2030+ also contributes to higher energy prices in 2021+. You don't stop fossil fuel production until AFTER your alternative energy sources are fully functional and operational on a national scale. Rising inflation is coming. Of all the money ever pumped into the economy by the Federal Reserve, more than half of that amount was pushed in during the last 20 months. The Fed has doubled its balance sheet since February 2020. During 2009 through 2014, the Fed added more than $2 trillion to the system, after adding very little during the 2000s. However, during 2015 through 2017 the Fed was flat, and during 2018 and 2019 the Fed actually removed some funds from the economy. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. Horrible inflation across the board started in March, which is just around the time the supply chain started clogging up. The cost of energy,food, transportation, and other consumer goods has spiked. Free money has been handed out. Remember your house did not increase in value last year by 20%. Your dollar decreased in value by 20%. When money given has no backing (i.e. an hour worked, a product made) something, anything created, that dollar is worthless. The Fed has been pumping TRILLIONS of dollars into the economy since the 1999 stock market crash, and then they wonder why inflation is up. Remember that's EXACTLY when real estate started to take off into the stratosphere, and that hasn't stopped since. Food prices also have been going up for a good 15 years, and if you really want a shock take a look at the price of your prescription drugs. The total cost, not the cost YOU pay. Amazon (vis-a-vis Wall Street) is paying the ports to BLOCK incoming shipments to break all of their competition domestically. This is intentional. Seafarers of Catan 5 & 6 Player Expansion was $15 at wholesale Now it is $30, and only one supplier still had any available. Whilst it is available on Amazon for $26, below my wholesale cost and readily available to ship. No supply problems for Amazon? Customers will not buy the product; they will be forced to purchase from Amazon as all the small retail business in the country is wiped out along with their mid-level suppliers, which were just a precursor to Amazons' existence. The boats are being blocked from unloading so that all the corporate stores have products available while all the small independent retailers are going to get crushed. Everyone who didn't get crushed by being forced to close is going to face serious stress as all the products are re-priced to prevent competition with Amazon. Too many employers got rid of people they didn't want because they were making too much money or were trouble but had a union behind them or their state laws protected them and covid gave them the chance to lay them off knowing they won't call them back and those laid off were working in the same jobs for decades and only knew how to do one thing, and other employers don't want to spend money training at this time. In my area, I see employers trying to steal trained employees from other businesses just by offering more money and better benefits. So what is going to happen? People will remortgage their houses and start working two jobs, use up their savings and dip into any money they can get their hands on in the next five years just to survive. I budget weekly and track my key spending monthly like credit, grocery, dining out, and gas. Every average has gone up a few hundred bucks across the board. The supply chain got jacked up because of Just-In-Time delivery systems. Saving is the avenue by which most were able to raise themselves up, get on their financial feet. NOW IT IS THE SAVER THAT IS BEING PUNISHED And every force and factor that makes this so is by Federal Reserve INTENT. Zero return on savings....... .05% Fed Funds. Promoted inflation...... 6% . This is prearranged and intentional theft, taking from many to pump the assets of the few. AND WHO KNEW, who was confident and assured that the Fed would act in a fashion they have NEVER DONE BEFORE. They ignore inflation. In the history of the Fed, Fed funds would be raised to meet inflation. Manufactured inflation is a tool to hide other nefarious activities that The Power That Be are up to. That's what is going on here. It gives a convenient excuse for all kinds of things people think are "just natural". Although we have been assured for weeks now from liberal media sources and government economic "experts" that all the inflation is "transient" or "temporary". I guess the government experts weren't being all that truthful. Inflation is going to get much, much worse. This has been building up for decades. A lot of this inflation is attributable to Biden policies. Thirteen months after the pandemic started, and after a decade of consistent low inflation, Joe signed his $1.9T covid relief bill in March 2021. A month later, in April, inflation jumped up. Spending too much by the government makes things go up. Stopping the pipeline made fuel prices go up. I don't think the federal government needs to, nor should get involved in the stocking of store shelves for the holidays. They need to create a plan to balance the federal budget - a balanced budget will take care of inflationary pressure. PRINTING TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND HANDING THAT OUT TO MILLIONS OF PEOPLE MAKES OUR CURRENCY WORTHLESS. HAVING A DEBT OF 30 TRILLION DOLLARS WITH NOTHING TO BACK IT UP BUT "THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" WITH JOE BIDEN AT THE HELM MAKES OUR CURRENCY LAUGHABLE! The Fed can do a Volker, raise rates, but it will have major implications, high unemployment, and some market crash. That is how the US system works, boom and bust. It's a tough spot as businesses have grown so used to the low interest rates. Do we curb inflation by raising them and then risk stagflation? The pandemic is still here, and damage from it has yet to be felt in many places such as consumer debt. Raise taxes , cut military, and other spending and push down the debt.The time for easy money should slow, it's time for some austerity.But can we cut the military when China is ramping theirs up? Raise taxes when they're already too high?. The Fed will do nothing.They’re going to destroy the dollar. If they increase interest rates significantly, it will crash the economy. We need to set a maximum permanent inflation rate for each year, say 2%. Stabilize our economy. And find a way to fund government obligations without taxes on our population. Inflation, no matter the number, is a bad thing. It erodes the value of your labor. Buy gold and silver.
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