Wednesday, December 13, 2017

FBI Whistleblower Has Video of Hillary Clinton Accepting Briefcases Full of Cash

It is getting closer and closer before they will lock her and obama up. Tick, tock............ I think America has been slowly told the truths for long enough now. Many are aware of the mass panic that is at risk when they DO lock them all up. But one year is long enough.There will never be a total mass awakening. would be nice, but unrealistic. Start opening those thousands of sealed indictments faster !!!! Enough is enough!!!! Those who can not face the facts and ugly truths by now, will most likely never accept them. So if there is fear of them cracking up, face it - they have already cracked up.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. We all know he won't be alive next week- they always kill them the night before- So will it be by hijacking his car into a tree? or of hm doing it himself with 3 bullets to the back of his head-HILLARY IS A MURDER MACHINE FOR DECADES AND NO ONE GOES TO JAIL....SHE'S STILL GIV ING HER PROPAGANDA SPEECHES TO HER MINIONS!

    1. I was thinking the same thing and now his name has been leaked he is for it. When Clinton is jailed we will know America is back on track.
