Wednesday, December 13, 2017

America Is Haunted

All of these horrid changes that we see are all a part of the NWO agenda/plan. None of what's happening in our societies is organic or happening by chance. It's all meticulously planned out by the globalist elites right down to the smallest detail, and it has been in full-swing now for many decades, so expect more of this evil to come. "They" are never going to stop this global social-engineering until their plan has come to its maximum fruition........A scientific, occult, technological, totalitarian, power-grab, of the most epic proportions that humanity has or will ever see. It will all come into being when they start WW3. They are the wolfs, and we are the mindless sheep that they will eventually cull to "their" desired ratio. The sheeple think that they have a democratic choice for government, when in fact, it's the "illusion of choice". The whole game is rigged, and yet we continue to play right into their filthy claws, and the elite scum laugh at us all the way. Most of humanity is in a perpetual state of mental hibernation, and that's exactly how" they" want us to be. Sad, but true!

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