Friday, October 13, 2017


what do you know regarding this and the connection with Illuminati, Kennedy, underground huge cities/bunkers, Goldman Sachs, NWO, UN, Obama, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Heidi Cruz, CERN, Pope, Beyonce, Giants from other side coming into our side, antichrist, cloning, ISIS, Israel, The Rapture of the Followers of Jesus who actually truly do live for Him, end of the world, a disease so bad it will last a 6 month period and so insanely painful that people will try to kill themselves but even won't be able to succeed and have to live through it, satan letting loose on earth completely, all rich, elite, super smart scientists will live underground in these bunkers, a fake assassination on Trump and he will live underground in them, that Kennedy is alive in there?, illuminati behind government and gas prices and oil and starting wars, and CERN can create these bad crazy weather conditions and earthquakes, etc?? Why is Donald Marshall popular & His song stopped raped?

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