Friday, October 13, 2017

The World Is Going Down With Trump WW3 In North Korea Is Imminent

DEFENCE Secretary Michael Fallon has issued a stark warning to a “reckless” North Korea and an “increasingly aggressive” Russia as fears of another world war continue to A nuclear submarine base in Scotland and insisted Nato weapons were “vital” for the security of member states. “We remain committed to reducing our stockpile but we also have to be realistic – these weapons remain vital for the security of our people and of our Nato partners for as long as the security environment demands.“Nato is a nuclear alliance and our deterrent provides one of the alliance’s key centres of decision-making, complicating the calculations of our adversaries.Michael Fallon warned North Korea and Russia as he defended the UK's nuclear deterrent Donald Trump unleashes plan with Thailand to 'freeze out' North Korea North Korea mocks Trump as 'corpse' and vows to 'wipe US off the map' Today, the nuclear dangers are intensifying form a reckless North Korea and an increasingly aggressive Russia “And many nations represented here today signed the non-proliferation treaty in the late 1960s in the knowledge that they were covered by our nuclear umbrella. The politician then took aim at North Korea over its growing tensions with the US and South Korea and hit out at Russia over growing tensions in Eastern Europe. “Today, the nuclear dangers are intensifying form a reckless North Korea and an increasingly aggressive Russia.“Nuclear weapons remain the only credible way to deter the most extreme dangers reminding any aggressor that the benefits of an attack will be vastly outweighed by the consequences.”

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