Friday, June 24, 2016

Who has the most to lose from #Brexit ?

The debate over whether or not Britain should leave the EU has been divisive and damaging. Sterling and stocks have been battered by uncertainty over how the British people will vote. Where do businesses stand? Who would be hardest hit outside the UK by a Brexit? And is Norway or Switzerland a feasible model for the UK, which is a much bigger economy?

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1 comment:

  1. 1984
    The world of Nineteen Eighty-Four exists in a state of perpetual war among the three major powers. At any given time, two of the three states are aligned against the third; for example Oceania and Eurasia against Eastasia or Eurasia and Eastasia against Oceania. However, as Goldstein's book points out, each Superstate is so powerful that even an alliance of the other two cannot destroy it, resulting in a continuing stalemate. From time to time, one of the states betrays its ally and sides with its former enemy. In Oceania, when this occurs, the Ministry of Truth rewrites history to make it appear that the current state of affairs is the way it has always been, and documents with contradictory information are destroyed in thememory hole.
    Goldstein's book states that the war is not a war in the traditional sense, but simply exists to use up resources and keep the population in line. Victory for any side is not attainable or even desirable, but the Inner Party, through an act of doublethink, believes that such victory is in fact possible. Although the war began with the limited use of atomic weapons in a limited atomic war in the 1950s, none of the combatants use them any longer for fear of upsetting the balance of power. Relatively few technological advances have been made (the only two mentioned are the replacement of bombers with "rocket bombs" and of traditional capital ships with the immense "floating fortresses").
    Next step is the Bren 25% silver new global reserve currency house in Ireland as Ireland unites into one entity. Ireland Britain and Scotland cannot be separated from the European continent, same as Russia, so there is no exit from Europe is just an economical exit. You cannot move the island to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Bren blends with Brahman and the new BRICS currencies as well with the Brent “petrol” the ancient druids. Europe can have a central currency “the EURO” including Russia and the current Europeans union. Since the global exchange currency is no longer the dollar $ the new symbol, the Bren, is the new center. The European nations can adapt to a common simpler form, as the Americans and other nations, dividing the world in tree blocks, north Eurasia, Europe including Russia, Oceania the Americas and Australia, east Asia which is Russia linked to Asia. the hierarchy of the south: South America, Africa, the middle east, Israel; have one common currency among themselves and refer to the Bren as global reserve currency, the petrodollars disappear the Bren is now the leverage of the price of petrol & gold. There you have the start of David and the hexagon, having Europe as center and a compatible east west north south consensus. Under one global reserve currency that commemorates Brennus and the fall of the roman empire 394 before Christ.
