Friday, June 24, 2016

France: Le Pen calls for French EU referendum after Brexit victory

Leader of the French National Front party Marie Le Pen called for a referendum in her own country on France’s EU membership following the results of the Brexit victory in the UK, making the comments during a press conference at the party’s HQ in Paris, Thursday. She stated that despite that the suggestion that British trade opportunities in Europe would be damaged by Brexit, she insisted that Britain would be able to continue to trade with the Europe even more effectively. SOT, Marine Le Pen, Leader of the Front National (French): “That what no one could think only a few months ago, is now a reality that is imposed on all of us. Yes, you can leave the European Union!" SOT, Marine Le Pen, Leader of the Front National (French): “Everyone will soon see that lies won't stand in front of the truth. The United Kingdom will continue to trade and exchange with the countries of Europe but it will be even more effective than before its independence!" SOT, Marine Le Pen, Leader of the Front National (French): “Clairvoyance which we have shown, sensing the strong inspiration of British people for freedom, aspiration shared by the overwhelming majority of peoples in Europe, gives us an additional legitimacy to carry this same debate in France." SOT, Marine Le Pen, Leader of the Front National (French): “The referendum on the membership of France being in the European Union is a democratic necessity. The French should also be able to choose this path of freedom which will give France back its full responsibility. If I am given the responsibility, this political commitment that we were talking about long before the idea of a refendum in the UK, will take the form of a referendum to be held after a six month negotiation with the European Commission to recover our four fundamental sovereignties; monetary, fiscal, economic, territorial and legislation. Inevitably, if negotiations are successful or if the French people decide to go out, a new Europe will emerge: a Europe of nations!"

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