Friday, June 10, 2016

I am Native English #BREXIT

What is native English and does it matter? Why is the native English issue relevant to BREXIT? If you have been to London within the last few years, you will be aware how the proportion of native English living there is very low and it is constantly decreasing. Being in the EU makes it very easy from anyone from anywhere to come and live in England/London if they so choose. It's easy because all you need to come and live there is a European passport. You can be skilled or unskilled - it doesn't matter. All that counts is that you have the passport which means the door is open for you. Whoever doesn't have a job in Europe can move to London/England hoping to get something there. But actually it is not only unemployed Europeans who take this route. It's also people who have grown up in South American countries but who hold an Italian or Spanish passport (they get can have this from a consequence of having an Italian or Spanish grandparent). If you have indeed spent time in London within the last couple of years you will know that everyone from everywhere lives there. Many people say the immigration into England from non Europeans into England is not an EU issue and that it has nothing to do with BREXIT. However, in our current times European countries are giving out their citizenship and passports easily to people from the Middle East. For example, Germany took in 1 million asylum seekers / refugees / economic migrants last year. Most of these people will become naturalised German citizens if they stay there long enough and therefore they will get a German passport given time. Similarly, Sweden is another country that gives many non Europeans citizenship: one example is if you say that you are gay and because of this you face oppression in your home country, you can get citizenship. With these issues considered, it is clear how the demographic of Europe and European is changing very quickly. Staying in the EU means consenting to the changing demographic of Europe and consenting that you are okay with everyone from everywhere moving to London and given time, all cities in England. Why do I have a problem with the changing demographics? I want my culture which is the culture of the native English people to be preserved in the land which is their home. Due to the ideology of multiculturalism, many of us have been convinced to think that there is no culture in England or that there is nothing worth conserving. I do not adhere to or believe in the ideology of multiculturalism therefore I have a contrasting opinion to what is said in the mainstream and what is taught at schools: my opinion is that I value my culture and its right to exist. I do not consent to mass forced immigration.

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