Friday, June 10, 2016

Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday 6/10/16: #Bilderberg 2016 Live Update

-- Date: June 10, 2016 -- Today on The Alex Jones Show On this Friday, June 10 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we'll recap the first and second days of Bilderberg 2016, and look at the elitist plot to trigger a worldwide economic meltdown. We'll also continue examining the showdown shaping up between Hillary and Donald Trump, as more embarrassing info emerges on Bill's love affairs. On today's show, financial analyst Peter Schiff explains how the Federal Reserve is exacerbating the oncoming economic collapse. Rob Dew, Josh Owens and Paul Joseph Watson also join the program live from the Bilderberg conference in Dresden, Germany. We'll also take your calls during this worldwide transmission.

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