Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Coast To Coast AM - May 20, 2016 Dan Rather Interview Open Lines

Guests: Dan Rather, Open Lines Award-winning American journalist and former CBS News anchor Dan Rather discussed his life and career as a member of the "Big Three" news anchors in the U.S. He shared stories he has covered, his love for journalism, and what got him started. Rather described how reporting on Hurricane Carla in September 1961 led to his break into network television news with CBS, and admitted his profile was raised by being on scene in Dallas when JFK was assassinated. "It was an immense story that made a big difference in American history," Rather said, noting he was in a mild state of shock while reporting on the tragedy. His career led him to the White House, where he was chief correspondent during President Johnson's administration, and to the war in Vietnam. George played audio from a March 1974 press conference in Houston where Rather and President Nixon exchanged a witty repartee. According to Rather, the noose was tightening around Nixon at this time as it came to light he had been leading a widespread conspiracy. He placed the Watergate scandal alongside the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King, Jr., the JFK assassination, and 9-11, as the most significant stories on which he has reported.

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