Thursday, February 11, 2016

#OREGON WARNING Cliven Bundy arrested -- Militia surrenders to FBI

 Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy detained in Portland‎ - 54 mins ago
FBI agents arrested Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who led a standoff with federal authorities at his ranch ...
Live Updates: Cliven Bundy Arrested . News
OPB News‎ - 2 hours ago
Cliven Bundy Is In Multnomah County Jail
Willamette Week‎ - 5 mins ago

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  1. Disgusting display of a totalitarian dictatorship, replete with the evil brain dead "order followers" that is the foul FBI. The brave patriots were peacefully resisting when they forced into a confrontation, arrested, murdered, without committing any crime whatsoever. PROBLEM: this criminal enterprise government "owns" 640 State, public and private land, unlawfully, illegally and unconstitutionally. This federal government is drunk on GREED. It never has enough of our hard earned money, our hard earned possessions, or enough of OUR land. Now obama intends to steal all the land from over 250 ranchers to build a "national monument." And he's been engaging in treasonous murder and massive violations of our Constitution to do so. He needs to be IMPEACHED and held for trial for treason, with the full force of its punishment - along with every FBI traitor who took part in this most egregious para-military attack on the American people imaginable. Whereas, a limited government whose taxes are low enough that even the poor can afford, does not regulate, control, spy on, manipulate, steal and murder its people. YOU, people, are responsible for allowing this by not protesting, by not joining our patriots and militias to force the FBI to leave and just say NO, OBAMA, NOT MY LAND. The land in question in Oregon does NOT belong to the federal government, and they know it, and they don't care - because YOU don't care.

    1. Militias are local and are for the protection of the people in their county when the SHTF. It's why we the people need them and why every able-bodied American citizen, who can, should join one. Look up the doctrine of Posse Comitatus to see the extent of this administration's treasonous crimes against the Constitution and against the people. IMPEACH THE FOREIGN TRAITOR - NOW!
