Saturday, February 20, 2016

Cruz Now Faces Birther Lawsuits in 6 States

ABC News is now reporting that Ted Cruz is facing an ever-growing list of challenges to his qualifications to run for the presidency. Lawsuits are now pending in at least 6 states.
Federal lawsuits have now been filed in Alabama, Utah and Texas. State lawsuits have been filed in New York, Vermont and Illinois.
Cruz, who has admitted being born in Canada to an American citizen mother and a Cuban citizen father, is considered to be unqualified to serve as President according to a very specific requirement placed into the U.S. Constitution that demands that the President must be a “natural-born citizen.”
This is a higher standard than, for example, the requirement to be a member of the House of Representatives, which requires that a member have been:
“… seven Years a Citizen of the United States….”
For Senators the requirement was raised to:
“nine Years a Citizen of the United States….”
But in Article II, Section I, the bar is raised a good bit higher for the President and Vice-President:
“No Person except a natural born Citizen … and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
Obviously, the intent of the Framers of the Constitution was to set a higher standard for the President and Vice-President by requiring that he or she be a “natural born Citizen.”
Why? According to Prof. Mary Brigid McManamon, a constitutional law professor at Widener University’s Delaware Law School:
“The key … is the assumption of allegiance to one’s country of birth.”
She quotes James Madison, known as the father of the Constitution:
“It is an established maxim that birth is a criterion of allegiance. . . . [And] place is the most certain criterion….”
As Professor McManamon explained in an article in the Washington Post on Jan. 12th:
“Cruz is, of course, a U.S. citizen. As he was born in Canada, he is not natural-born.”
“Because of the senator’s parentage …. Cruz was naturalized at birth.”

“However we feel about allowing naturalized immigrants to reach for the stars, the Constitution must be amended before one of them can attain the office of president. Congress simply does not have the power to convert someone born outside the United States into a natural-born citizen.”
Such is the case with Ted Cruz. As his birth certificate shows, he was born in Canada.
According to Professor McManamon:
“Donald Trump is actually right … Sen. Ted Cruz is not a natural-born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president or vice president of the United States.”
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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  1. He has the arrogance of a rino globalist to call himself a conservative or a christian, when he's been lying to us since he ran unconstitutionally for the senate while he knew he was NOT eligible, and continues to lie to us today. In his own words cruz said "Neither Obama nor I are eligible for the Oval Office." Even with obama-the-foreign-usurper in the Oval Office, two wrongs do not make a right.

  2. President Obama was born in Topeka Ks and his natural father Jim T Parks as 'ever one knew and no one has talked since" was murdered in the racist attack that was to have killed all three, in 3/61. Marriage to Obama Sr was arranged by his grandfather to give him a name and my Dad, his great great Uncle married them in Topeka Ks also. he was not told the truth for many reasons. I had one chance in 1/71 to tell him, and his grandmother stopped me and finally in fall of 2012 I began sharing the whole family history on line. RUSSIAN PRINCE USA PRESIDENT. great great grandson of Czar Nicholas Ii and Alexajdrea f Russia. TIME TO DO SOME DNA ON 100;S AND A REAL HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE LAST 100 years BE KNOWN to all as has been known to the elites all along.. THIS IS MUCH MORE THN A BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR Obama, whose eligibility was and is never an issue, although many do not think he is the best one to be in the position. Unless we did out and began using the 13th amendment that 'got lost.? in the War of 1812? So , will any of these birthers stop actimg lke going to Teoeka is like contracting the plague" The truth is there. And if Orly Taitx had called me as an eyewitness in 9/12, we would not be speaking of it since. There never was a certified record in Hawaii. as his grandmother got caught after the notice of birth and newspapers were called from her filling out the blank form herself. and outing it in the in basket for the receptionist who made the daily phone calls. Hawaii passed a law because of it to make hospitals secure the blank state forms as they had them on a clip board in a public hall way. And no one knew their history ? and it was in our 'alerts' on documents at SSA when I went to work for them in 6/68. Linda Joy Adams
