Saturday, February 20, 2016

Benjamin Fulford : Crunch time is coming to choose either collapse, chaos and bloodshed or reboot and renaissance

 Crunch time is coming to choose either collapse, chaos and bloodshed or reboot and renaissance
By: Ben Fulford
February 15, 2016
 Events continue to unfold at a blistering pace as the post-war world order continues its collapse while the fight over what to replace it with rages on. The biggest happening was the first meeting between a Pope and a Russian Orthodox Patriarch in 962 years. The weirdest thing about this event can be seen in this photograph of the meeting put out by the Vatican that shows a skull and bones right in the center between the two religious leaders......

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1 comment:

  1. russia is exist on the european continent , washington is miles away, reason why having war in europe is good for washington. however there are the leaders of the nation and those that benefit in america and in europe. in other words the leaders send you to war, they do not go to war themselves. reason why war in europe is good for america. while peace in europe is good for russia and the european nations.
