Friday, October 16, 2015

WW3 ALERT -- Turkey Shoots Down Russian Drone

BREAKING: Turkey Shoots Down Warplane "Drone
Turkey shoots down a warplane "Drone" near the Turkish border

 CIA covert operations to discredit Russia and have excuse for US to go to war against Russia using excuse of Russian aggression towards other countries . Remember weapons of mass destruction that brought about the US invasion of Irag or the self-induced 9/11 bombing from these scum-bags that brought about the already written patriot act to invade Afghanistan? How about the coup in Ukraine? Hummm, lets not forget about Libya and the gun running escapades via the American embassy to arm the moderate rebels (paid mercenaries/terrorists) to overthrow another government the whores of the US government are not pleased with. Can anyone tell me exactly why the US is in Syria? Don't give me this "humanitarian" BS either. Fukushima has been spitting out nuclear radiation poisoning the Pacific ocean since 2011 and no one in our government is talking about it less doing anything to help remedy the situation. So the humanitarian argument won't fly when you have a world humanitarian crisis of biblical magnitude actually happening. At this point all the American people can do is sit back and watch. We have no representation in government any longer. We have no rights, just look at what happened to the mayor from Stockton California. We have a police force that is trained military style against the civilian population called DHS. We are imploding from within as a society where anything goes as long as it is considered godless and do what thou wilt. Some still holding onto good ol mom, apple pie and Chevrolet while others God guts and glory. All are illusions of what once was, even then might of been lies projected to keep one from seeing the truth. There are still those who believe we will get through this debt challenge we have when there is not enough money in the entire world (if we owned it all) to pay it back. There is hope but if we just sit back and act like everything is going to remain the same we will be caught off guard and will not have done anything to prepare.

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  1. This guy is an uninformed dumb stupid lump of dog shirt!

  2. What an evil religious twat. Israel should be driven out of Palestine and hand back the stolen land. Typical American idiot who supports thieves, killers and the enemies of Christ who called them whited walls and children of the Devil.
