Friday, October 16, 2015

Currency War -- China Continues To Dump US Debt - Mike Maloney's Daily News Brief

one of the main reasons why BRIC countries like China are dumping US Dollars at record rates is simply geopolitical. The BRIC countries like China have their own goals in having their own free trade agreements and their own alternative International Monetary Fund-type of bank to go against the IMF world bank system. China trying to get in on the IMF SDR is simply their way of playing games and so that when they dump US Dollars it won't look like its politically motivated. The BRIC countries most likely have a unilateral agreement to dump US Dollars and we will it continue to increase among all other BRIC countries like India, Brazil, and Russia (which has already dumped US Dollars). This is their move to respond to the US/UK imperialistic world government agenda where they want to boss around any other country which is a challenge to their military and economic global hegemony as a superpower.

Just keep buying gold, silver and bitcoin. This is the best single action we can take right now to spare our family from the incoming (don't know how soon, but certain) stock market, food stamps, derivatives, unemployment, military spending, municipal debts, underfunded pensions,trade deficit, real estate, social security, national debt, dollar inflation, medicare, credit card debt, student debt, etc, bubbles pop.

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