Thursday, October 1, 2015

PUTIN CALLS OUT NWO AGENDA - Putin's Speech Calls Out Key Aspects of New World Order Agenda

Russia has begun routing out in Syria, but the country’s leader, who addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Monday, has previously voiced concern that the US, while purporting to Alex Jones plays clips from both Obama’s and Vladimir Putin’s speeches at the UN and analyzes their content. Prior to a meeting with Obama this week Russian President Vladimir Putin told Charlie Rose of CBS’ 60 Minutes the U.S. effort to fund, train and support Syria violates international law.

“In my opinion, provision of support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter,” Putin said.

Virtually all of the in Syria have sworn allegiance to and other jihadist groups and there is not “a secular fighting force to speak of,” The New York Times reported in 2013. Putin said the Russian response in Syria is legal and appropriate under international law.
The Russian president called for an international coalition “We have proposed cooperation to the countries in the region, we are trying to establish some kind of coordination framework,” Putin said.

On Saturday The New York Times dismissed Putin’s effort as political theater designed to “shore up his ability to single-handedly dominate Russia, as he has for much of the past 15 years.”

The Russian effort to help the government of al-Assad fight against U.S. and Gulf Emirate funded and trained is merely a “bread and circus” stunt intended to distract Russians from the conflict in Ukraine, according to Maxim Trudolyubov, the editor at large of the newspaper Vedomosti, a Russian language business daily.

“The least bad option today is to create a no-fly zone in the south of Syria. This could be done on a shoestring, enforced by U.S. Navy ships in the Mediterranean That would end barrel . Just as important, the no-fly zone would create leverage to pressure the Syrian regime — and its Russian and Iranian backers — to negotiate.” The policy of admitting known terrorists began last year after the Obama administration altered legislation, the Immigration and Nationality Act, designed to keep anyone who provided material support to from stepping on US soil.

“We are not pursing any foreign political goals or ambitions, of which we have been regularly accused. The point is just to defend Russia’s national interests.” In a speech before the United Nations, Putin called for an international coalition to combat

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  1. MorpheusTheMatrix has taken over the comment section.

  2. We do not belong in any muslim country, fighting and dying for our enemies. We have historically taken the wrong side, as we did in the Serbia/Bosnia fiasco. Look what happened to every muslim country we entered - the MB came in and took over and instead of peace, the fighting continues: Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, and this warmongering administration isn't done yet.
