Thursday, October 1, 2015

Europe On The Brink Of War With Russia, Army calls for fleet of battle tanks to take on Putin

They don't have the sack when push comes to shove, the West now gets to sit and watch their ISIS proxies wiped out and their middle east card flushed down the toilet.

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  1. if you are going to read on the radio, you better learn to do wih without studdering and stmmering and breaking the rhythm of your sentences. Because the manner in which you speak encourages the listener to stop listening and go somewhere else.

  2. I'm outraged that this administration insists on starting new wars in old places. NO AMERICAN should volunteer to join the US military. These are the games that proud, evil men play with the lives of others. Offended? Challenged? Pride hurt? Who cares! We don't belong in Syria in the first place. The UN, obama and the CFR are frothing at the mouth for a reason to institute martial law and enact, in full, their nefarious Agenda 21 and implement Agenda 2030, neither of which can be finalized until our guns are confiscated and patriots, christians, conservatives and militias are taken out of the equation.

  3. crazy how about the refugees,syria, imagine europe having a war on the middle of a civil disorder. things are a lot more messy than what you think, israel, jews, arabs, americans, western europeans,africans,latinos,chinese, muslims. quite a soup. !!!
