Thursday, October 22, 2015

Multiculturalism in Europe:Who is Behind It? by David Duke

The Zionist Ashkenazi who by using their secret society/Freemason puppets as front-men, have stealthily taken total control of the entire world. And it is because the Zionist own and control the entire worlds mass-media that the TRUTH (the Zionist powerful enemy) will NEVER be heard by the unquestioning world masses. This mass-flow of immigrants (human-beings) are all part of the Zionist pre-planned WW3, and it is to pit Christians against Muslims. They started this before using their puppet Hitler, getting him to take all the Jews safely out of Europe in war-time conditions and out of harms way by putting them all in so-called "Concentration Camps!" leaving the non-Jewish people to kill each other! Then "After" WW2, they created the most outrageous lie the World has ever been subjected into not questioning.... "The Holocaust!" And the TRUTH shall set the entire World Free! But first we must all Wake-UP and understand who controls the lies and mass-deceit before it is truly too late!

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