Saturday, October 10, 2015

Justice or Else -- Million Man March In DC

 Million Man March Tens of Thousands Rally In DC for Justice or Else

 20 years ago, 1 million African American men came in herds, by any means necessary, to attend the first annual Million Man March. Speakers like the late Dr. Maya Angelou, Minister Louis Farrakhan and many others gave hope to men who struggle with the everyday life of violence, drugs and disappointment in their lives. The march was also intended to uplift African American men, and inspire them to do better by their families, communities and most importantly, themselves.

Today, October 10th, Louis Farrakhan is summoning 1 million men to march to Washington, D.C. to celebrate the 20th anniversary of this momentous occasion. At the time of the march, Black men dealt with a lot of hardships, ranging from a society still very much influence by the Jim Crow south and the post-slavery prejudice that ran rampant in the early 20th century. Now, fast forward to 2015, and Black on Black crime is at an all time high, and police killings are happening at a record pace around the country. The question is, will this march open the eyes of the nation, especially those of its Black men? Time to open our eyes and ears and pay attention to what’s happening right in front of them.

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1 comment:

  1. Time has come. The 400 years since this country was built by Blacks. is over. Will there be an extension. Or will there be judgment. Or will Black people who are the oldest people on the planet go back to the glory they once were. When the learning center in the world was Timbuktu in the 15th century. Where they built pyramids, and gave civilization to the world. And only when they were in a weakened state could they be taken over by the last people on the civilization scene. The time seems near. God will raise his people.
