Saturday, October 10, 2015

Is The Jewish Calendar Wrong?

 We ALL assumed that the fall feasts were accurately calculated. When we did NOT sight the New Moon for the beginning of the month, we waited and the new moon was sighted two days later.

We continued through the Feasts focused on the Day of Atonement never questioning whether we were a MONTH EARLY based on the biblical method of determining the beginnning of the New Year.

This presentation is by William Allen.

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  1. Who gives a fcuk about anything freaking Jewish

  2. To goyim guard: Christian's should as the head of our faith was a practicing Jew and what day did HE attend the feasts, etc. Plus HE taught the faith that many of the time had forgotten or suppressed. for the first couple of hundred years, Christianity was considered just another Jewish sect. As a Christian, observation of the feasts is not what saves our eternal souls, but: there is a natural harmony to this world and time that was given to us to live in through HIM. the feast days seem to follow like " seed time and harvest." We study history to learn to follow the good and not follow that which does not add to the good. and that is common sense wisodn that all faiths or no faith can learn from. If we are to understand he science of this universe then we do need to know the facts of time and space and those feast days seem to be more than some set times for one group to hold their worship services. And with 'deceivers' among us; maybe some where along the time line of history someone messed with the calendar like a 'false flag' of earlier time. Those who study the stars to make predictions in the field of astrology say that we are a month off from the signs as the cosmos and planets have orbits, etc. that do not stay exactly the same and movement over time changes the place they are in , in the sky we look up and see them. yes one can learn something from any one. So I would never dis anyone, as we can learn from any source. I do care about the Jewish and everyone else for I AM NOT ALL KNOWING AND AS A MERE HUMAN CAN LEARN FROM ALL. Thanks for your comment as it moved me to respond. but I respectfully disagree. Linda Joy Adams
