Sunday, September 20, 2015

Judge Napolitano : The Pope is Probably a Communist and a Marxist

Pope Francis Doesn't Understand Economics & Capitalism: Judge Napolitano

“The pope is by his own words a Peronist," says Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News' Senior Judicial Analyst. "He is probably also a communist and a Marxist, who does believe the government ought to control and motivate the means of production and means of distribution.”

As both a devout Catholic and principled libertarian, Napolitano believes Jesus Christ would reject the pope's view of economics. "The essence of libertarianism is the primacy of the individual over the state and absolute freedom of the individual to make his or her own choices," Napolitano explains. "That's also the teachings of Jesus Christ: 'I have come to set you free.'"

In a conversation with Reason's Editor in Chief, Matt Welch, the Judge discusses his frustrations with Pope Francis on the eve of his first Papal visit to the United States. Napolitano takes issue with the pope's exhortations on economic issues and Catholic tradition when it comes to allowing marriage annulments and permitting priests to forgive abortion.

“Speeding up annulments…is a rejection of his papal role,” says Napolitano. “He has assaulted matrimony. For him to make annulments easier is a backdoor towards permitting divorce.”

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. bs AIPAC propaganda, the hitler regime is NATO-OTAN destroying western civilization since 1963, and hope to annihilate the human race unless they are stop warning, this are FACTS no BS from videos, like this one, from vietnam to Kabul Afghanistan from Afghanistan to benghazi to syria to iraq, and now on the way of destroying europe, washington is the danger they are mentally derange reason why the us army must be put under UN surveillance to avoid more killings and save the occident. Russia does not need weapons to fight Washington but to protect the west from crazy AIPAC: : between AIPAC and washington they have practically destroyed western civilization.

  3. I find Judge Andrew Napolitano to be lucid relative to the implied axioms in an argument. Concerning the Pope though, he confuses or rather restricts the role of the Pope to the pre 11 February, 1929 times. The Popes since that time are also the sovereign of the Smallest internationally recognized state in the world, and his visits are founded on a combination of two functions, one diplomatic (when he meets people like the Castro brothers or Obama for example, or visits a country like Sri Lanka, a majority non-Catholic country where his diplomacy has brought tremendous possibilities for peace in that war-torn country), and the other religious, where he represents the role of the Bishop of Rome, Pope and all other functions that are proper to this Office. I agree however, that encyclicals should be confined to morals and matters of faith, but there is no easy dividing line. I think it would be a good idea for the Vatican to come up with two separate media , one proper to its being politically a sovereign state in interaction with the world at large, with its own opinions on global issues independent of any one particular religion, and another media that is used for its religious role specific to Christian matters.
