Sunday, September 20, 2015

Global Surveillance -- DHS and FEMA Have Created a National Patient Tracking System

 DHS's "If You See Something Say Something" program has created a nation of spies!

Don't try and use anything other than a government approved ID at a hospital or clinic or you'll be arrested:

Blanca Borrego and her two daughters had been sitting in the waiting room of the Northeast Women's Healthcare clinic in Atascocita, Texas for nearly two hours.

When Borrego arrived at the clinic the staff told her they needed to update her file and, after she filled out some paperwork, they asked for an ID.

Borrego, an undocumented immigrant handed the staff a fake driver's license. The staff contacted the police who were waiting for her in the examination room!

Borrego's daughter saw Harris County Sheriff's deputies march her mother out of the clinic and say...

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1 comment:

  1. you are about one or two years to late with this info doctors have been linked to dps, dea, ect especial if you are on a controlled substance. the govt will have it's war on drugs even it has to send pain patients to the C.I.A. to get the U.S.A. best pain killer heroin. Then lock them in a cell to work for 10 cents a day.
