Wednesday, August 12, 2015

WARNING: Alt Energy Insider -- The Elite Are In A PANIC

Most of the "on the ground work" (placement of explosives, wiring, etc) was done by members of Aman, Israel's military intelligence, not the Mossad as some claim, though not knowing the difference is understandable, and to some extent merely semantics.  Of course, they were simply hired and tasked liked mercenaries, so in the grand scheme, they share a smaller proportion of the guilt.  The real perpetrators are in the highest echelons of power in the U.S., and not only did they commit mass murder but also High Treason.  Their murderous deeds extends far beyond New York and Washington, and includes the hundreds of thousands of innocents in Iraq and AFG, not to mention all the other ME nations.

Cowardly people with a lack of common-sense usually say "duh, ah, buh, wuh, it could not have been perpetrated from the inside because it would involve thousands of people!!"  .... Ah, no.  Aman personnel,  numbering no more than three dozen, completed the work from the beginning of Aug/2001 to Sept/2001 in about 5weeks, working mostly late night shifts, usually 2am-5am.  Of course, that's only prepping and setting up the buildings for demolition, but still, goes to show how few are actually required to pull of the task. 

(On a side note:  from a technical standpoint, how those buildings were demolished was absolute genius, and a work of art; a marvel of ingenuity and innovation that, despite a few glitches in the actual demolitions, worked flawlessly ... a job so perfect and sublime in its execution that many civil and structural engineers, to this day, believe the "official" ludicrous fairy-tale explanation; heck the Israeli team should be awarded for its intelligence and brilliance, and the wrath and anger directed only at its paymasters.)

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