Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Nibiru, Planet 'Comet' X - 2017 - What We Know 'IS Wrong!'

Sitchen speaks 'not once' in this video, nor do his references to Nibiru. In fact, this video states he was wrong in his calculations. No matter how you look at it? Something is coming if these people are right, and the more the earth burps and shakes? The more it looks like the ancients were 'very precise' in their descriptions of this 'planet comet,' unlike what we've ever experienced before (tell me 'that does not sound very familiar?). The more research I do into this, the more I find myself looking up into the sky and wondering just what is up there, and if what so very many are saying, is true, that 2016 and 2017 are sure to be two very trying years for earth. Why? Watch this video. Yet another level of intelligence, unlike the norm, that speaks of 'incredible similarities' when it comes to Planet X / Nibiru.

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