Friday, August 14, 2015

WARNING: 2004 Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami points to September 23, 2015 as Judgment Day

  I was disturbed by various mainstream bizarre events unfolding.Some French stands in the white telling we have 500 days to avoid Climate Chaos. What, as if we can predict disasters now before they happen or is he really telling something else here. The Economist begins the year with a prophetic disturbing cover for the 2015. Christine Largarde, IMF, gives a secret message to those who know ....777,  G7 = 7(7) and G20 = 711 or 7(20). She Claims in 2014 that it has been 7 years since the great 2008 financial collapse, but that would only be true if she is in fact talking about the next year, 2015. Beyonce makes a stupid song called 7(11) with Kali ritual with the year 2015 in it.Kali at Super Bowl. Kali in the music videos, Kali all over NYC highest building . Kali on Harper's  Bazaar cover of September of Willow Smith as Kali. Clearly these people are screaming at top of their lungs about a imminent doom.  In Harlem, there is this wonderfully new world order Church called St. John the Divine, complete with an upside cross memorial to new Yorks fallen firefighters.Guess what is featured all over this Church? Take a guess? Yes, destruction of biblical proportions of NYC, and nobody asks the artist what the  fuck dude? The people in Harlem never go in there across the street and ask the Priest , why does this Church have many images of us all dying in it?   Your Channel is interesting  because it's the only way to explain this bizarre mainstream  things happening. oh and the  US president joke he might bring about the end of days, follows with you think am joking? I am praying for you all here in Zurich. May God make it only a sick joke, and not real.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. The Indonesian eathquake may well have been the hand of God issuing punishment to Indonesia for the willfull GENOCIDE OF A NATION OF PEOPLE, namely the TIMORESE nation and LET US NOT FORGET the COLD-BLOODED MURDER of the INNOCENT 14 JOURNALISTS, MURDERED BY INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT (recognized as Indonesian government soldiers dressed in civilian clothing BUT WITH MILITARY WEAPONS- many statements of witnesses have been recorded) NO APOLOGY or REMORSE HAS BEEN SHOWN by the INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT to DATE.
