Friday, August 14, 2015

Peter Schiff -- The Alex Jones Show August 14 2015

The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday August 14 2015: Peter Schiff

¥uan devalued -- Date: 08/14/2015 -- -Today - On the Friday, August 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we continue looking into Hillary Clinton's email debacle, as the FBI widens a criminal probe into whether her private server, which was used to handle classified information, was backed up. Also, a classified simulation exercise run by the Pentagon shows the US is confident it would defeat Russia in a hypothetical ground war, and is there really a threat on Queen Elizabeth's life, or is it another excuse for police state theater? Financial analyst Peter Schiff joins the show today to discuss China's devaluation of the Yuan currency, and explains how it may help the US dollar remain the world's reserve currency at least in the short term. We'll also take your calls on today's worldwide broadcast.

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