Monday, August 10, 2015

The Biggest Secret the Ancient History of Humankind

Offering mind-blowing information that will radically alter the way we think about the world and our place in it, we go beyond the surface, interweaving science and authentic archaeological finds to show how human civilization may have originated with nonhumans who visited earth eons ago . . . and may still be here today.

Through the historical, scientific, and cultural record, showing how numerous ancient texts and tablets tell of visitors from the stars colonizing the earth. From the flying vimanas of the Hindu Vedic literature and the flying shields reported by the Romans to the mysterious airships of the 1800s and the UFOs of today, he argues that someone other than us is still present on this planet. But are these visitors simply observers—or do they play a much more active and controlling role?

It is fascinating to realize that it may be possible to know more about this 6,000-year-old civilization than we may ever know about the more recent Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. The explanation lies in the Sumerian cuneiform writing. Whereas the papyrus of other elder empires disintegrated over time or was destroyed by the fires of war, cuneiform was etched onto wet clay tablets with a stylus creating a wedge-shaped script. These tablets were then dried, baked and kept in large libraries. About 500,000 of these clay tablets have now been found and have provided modern researchers with invaluable knowledge of the Sumerians.. .

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