Monday, August 10, 2015

Inner Alchemy -- Turn Your Own Dirt Into Gold

Sevan Bomar - Inner Alchemy - Turn Your Own Dirt Into Gold [2015]
"Furthering the rich tradition of #‎TheResistance delivering creative platforms designed to cultivate cutting edge spiritual development, the #‎Innerversity has opened its doors to The Seeker. Class is now in session, and as we dive into a whole curriculum with Sevan as the conductor, we join forces with those of like frequency to raise our vibration as a whole. 25+ hours of interactive, illustrative enlightenment await us as we prepare for a semester unlike any other."
"If you have ever imagined enhancing your own character beyond the scope of terrestrial possibilities, the Innerversity offers a step-by-step character building process that omits nothing as the entire spectrum is analyzed and interpreted. You will arise with an Adept level innerstanding of this Matrix along with your own Innerverse." ~ Sevan Bomaer
Coursework includes: Celestial Mechanics | Nutritional Therapy | Deprogramming | Internal Cleansing | Current & Currency | Breathing | Tantra | DNA Transformation | Language, Etymology & Encryption | Planetary Hierarchy
"When injustice, imbalance, and degeneration emerge, I incarnate to neutralize and balance." #‎SecretEnergy #TheResistance #‎AstralQuest #‎SevanBomar

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