Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday May 7 2015: Horticulturist Ron Finley

Deceiving the public -- Date: 05/07/2015 -- -Today - On the Thursday, May 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, the establishment media is weaving its own dishonest Jade Helm narratives, attempting to demonize Americans suspicious of federal government as concerns grow over the expansive domestic military exercise. Also, an Arizona town goes Big Brother by implanting license plate scanners in cactuses, and the Obama administration gears up to train “moderate Syrian rebels” as part of its underlying effort to topple the Assad regime. Horticulturist Ron Finley joins the show today to share his vision for community gardening and rejuvenation. We'll also take your calls during this worldwide broadcast.

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