Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Most Americans Are Slaves And They Don’t Even Know It -- Michael Snyder

The Powers That Be have set up a system in which there is no winning for the average person out there.
The only way to win is to be in business for yourself. And that path is pretty much closed down by the IRS. They go after small businesses more than any other group of people in the country. The number of people that survive in a small business past 5 years is very small.
Let us say you have a steady job until retirement. You might go from making a salary 52 weeks a year counting paid vacations in that year, life insurance, pensions(not really they copped out with 401Ks instead of pensions), and eventually Social Security.
Social Security and all pensions are set up on 12 monthly payments. 12 months equals 48 weeks, not 52. So you are absorbing a month’s worth of losses if you are on pensions and Social Security over a year’s time. Every 3 months there is an extra week. So 3 months is actually 13 weeks not 12. Medicare does not cover you completely if you get sick. Medicaid kindly picks your pocket to the tune of everything you ever saved before it kicks in with a communistic zeal.
The “working” person gets stuck with most of the taxes in this country. The “working” person is becoming extinct as more and more businesses subcontract the work to places like India.
The college education was promoted first by the U.S. Military by insisting that any officer after world war II had to get a college education or face demotion to the ranks.
The rules put in place by the country club we call the Congress was instituted mainly by people that were multimillionaires and most inherited that money from previous generations when the rules permitted one to own and thrive in a business.
So go figure where the current game rules of business and taxes and health care all came from.
We are not alone. Most places have similar rules to keep the peasants in place.
It gradually came to what it is today. It did not happen over night and it will not change over night by any way I know of.
It used to be that buying a home was a way to prosperity. The Congress has done an excellent job of ruining that for everyone.
Those Real Estate Taxes were designed to rob the rich, not the middle class. But inflation of house prices and wage increases to match have put an entirely different meaning to the word “rich” to include most everyone.
This is coming to an end. The housing market has crashed and those taxes do not cover school expenses or anything else right now. I have seen a 32,000 dollar reduction in the value of my property in 8 years.
The only people that can “own” a car today are people that are car techs willing to restore a vehicle that is down. The government has made sure that cars are not fixable in a barn any more.
The EPA has had a hand in that.
The “system” is to keep the common person broke their entire life. If they do happen to beat that system and get savings behind them, then they get caught in the health net and are eventually broken financially before they can die and children can inherit anything.
My advice would be to find a boss that is nice to you. One that treats his slaves good. Don’t work hard. It is not appreciated by the people over the top of you. Figure out how to work just hard enough to get by.
Work smart, not hard. And if by some stroke of luck you find something to sell to the world that everyone wants, get someone else to do all the work of making you the money.

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