Saturday, March 7, 2015

MH17 MEDIA LIES - Mainstream Media Caught Lying. Claim Russia Shot MH17 Down

Ukrainian media in unison are misquoting Dutch investigators as accusing Russia of shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine in July last year.

The concert of reports by Ukrainian media on Thursday claimed that the Dutch team had established that it was a Russian Buk surface-to-air missile that shot down the Boeing airliner, killing almost 300 on board. The fact is they didn’t.

“I can say for sure they are not correct,” Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) spokesman Wim de Bruin told RT.

“We are not yet ready to take any conclusion,” he added.

The Ukrainian reports, including those by major outlets like TV channelTSN or popular newspaper Segonya, apparently originate fromUainfo, a website with a slogan“all the truth from blogsphere,” which aggregates reports it encounters in various social media. It cites a report by Dutch national broadcaster Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS) on the state of the investigation.

The report written by NOS Editor Robert Bas claims that the investigation suffers from poor communication between Dutch police and prosecutors with the national intelligence service AIVD, which, according to NOS, withholds some of the information pertaining to the investigation. The NOS does mention the theory of MH17 being shot down by a Buk missile, but does not claim that the Dutch investigation confirmed it. Instead it cites online videos as the source of the allegation. The report adds that Dutch investigators spoke to eyewitnesses in Ukraine, without detailing the substance of those accounts. Kiev and its Western sponsors were quick to accuse either the rebels or Russia of taking down the plane. The Russian Defense Ministry published radar data pointing to other possibilities, including an attack by a Ukrainian fighter jet, as the cause of the tragedy.

Russian secret services may have executed the troops suspected of shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, say sources involved in the investigation of the crash over eastern Ukraine.

The Dutch-led probe is leaning towards a conclusion that a BUK missile fired from rebel-held territory downed the Boeing 777, killing all 298 on board.

And it is highly likely the aircraft was shot out of the sky by Russian military personnel, according to a report by the Netherlands' state broadcaster NOS, citing anonymous sources in the police and the group of investigators working on the probe into the plane's loss.
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The long-awaited probe into the crash of flight MH17 is not due to unveil its findings until October, but NOS says its claims are based on 'several anonymous sources in the police and the group of investigators'.

Russia has strongly and repeatedly denied any role in shooting down MH17, and also dismissed claims that the aircraft was hit by pro-Moscow rebels.

A television news channel in Russia has released an image of what it claims shows a Ukrainian fighter jet shooting a missile towards Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. A Ukrainian soldier who was part of the crew that operated the supposed missile-battery that the Ukrainian Government claims shot down the Malaysian MH17 airliner on July 17th has testified publicly for the first time, saying that the missile-battery was operated by the Ukrainian military, not by the rebels as asserted, and that he and his former crew-mates who operated it laughed when they heard their Government say that this missile-battery was operated by rebels and had shot the airliner down.

In a testy exchange between AP reporter Matt Lee and U.S. State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf, Lee virtually corners Harf into admitting that the “evidence” presented by the U.S. to blame Russian-backed rebels for the shoot down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 amounts to nothing more than YouTube videos and social media posts.

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