Tuesday, February 3, 2015

World War 3 [2015 Feb 17] after "Iran Nuclear Attack" [Feb 12] Illuminati Numerology New World Order

 [Only UTC is considered.]
-- Why clock numbering is important --
Fibonacci Clock: http://i.imgur.com/Z9vg0mO.png
Phi Clock: http://i.imgur.com/1kid643.png

- - -

Month Clock: http://i.imgur.com/Qm5hVkN.png
Visualisation of All Compressed Numbers: http://i.imgur.com/UKs9GBW.png

173 Triangle: http://i.imgur.com/Lae4qlh.png
Eisenstein Clock: http://i.imgur.com/Mz1Vjbf.png

Geometry of Beatty Sequence: http://i.imgur.com/speQBkr.png
1-6-8 in Beatty Sequence: http://i.imgur.com/kW1VoP3.png

Something huge will happen on 12 Feb 2015.

High Alert Security EU Meeting, part of preparation for Special Summit on 12 Feb, was held on 19 Jan [ http://i.imgur.com/P93dBBz.png ]. One major decision was that Hamas will remain on the banned list with its assets frozen in Europe pending a final decision by the EU’s highest court. EU governments have reinstated prior sanctions that were thrown out for procedural reasons, especially on Iran. For details, see the comment section.

On 31 Jan [ http://i.imgur.com/uTnBRfw.png ], Egypt court declared Hamas as a "terrorist" group; Egypt is no longer a viable mediator between Israel and Hamas. India's first ICBM tested. Japanese beheaded by ISIS

Important event to occur on 05 Feb 2015 UTC (due to the same geometry as 17 Feb):

Integrative Analysis of 6 Significant Dates in 2015 [7 Jan, 19 Jan, 31 Jan, 5 Feb, 12 Feb, 17 Feb]

PDF version: https://www.scribd.com/doc/252696852/...

More details available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bLGW...

Lunar Calendar Converter:

Conversion Table:

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