Friday, February 13, 2015

The Shakespeare Conspiracy - Katherine Chiljan

William Shakespeare is the most celebrated and most read poet and dramatist in history, but his personal life and artistic life is a mystery. How did he obtain the extensive learning and experience displayed in his works? When were his plays written and why were his works so often pirated by printers? Although publicly lauded during his lifetime, why was Shakespeare’s death not noticed by those in the literary world near the time that it had occurred? These are only a few problems that the Shakespeare professor cannot answer definitively after two centuries of scholarship. w/ Dr. Rita Louise

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1 comment:

  1. washington is happy americans are being killed "great" and the military budget goes up, this is how it works more americans that die are killed or burn alive benefits washington, the military industrial complex and congress AIPAC, the poor slops that get killed are far away from washington and the 1% so who cares of this americans brainwash 99% working class idiots.. hollywood idiots as long as they have Facebook, and other media outlets even alex jones serves our cause; bloggers we do not care this meat they call themselves so killing them is a sport as well justifies defense budget. and higher taxes. this idiots americans believe in democracy they will have some democracy on the morgue.
