Friday, February 13, 2015

Fighting Rages In Ukraine
DONETSK, Ukraine (Reuters) - Ukraine and Russian-backed rebels fought fiercely across the east of the country on Friday despite a new peace deal brokered by Germany and France. A ceasefire is due to come into effect from Sunday under the agreement, which also envisages a withdrawal of the heavy weapons responsible for many of the 5,000 casualties in the conflict that broke out almost a year ago. Kiev said pro-Russian rebels had built up their forces across separatist-held zones since the deal and both sides accused each other of killing civilians.

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1 comment:

  1. What a complete load of American religious bullshit. No ceasefire is necessary until the people of Donbas have annihilated the fascist Ukrainian bastards in the kettle. The war was designed by the Americans to steal Sevastopol from the Russian navy. In September the fascists were surrounded and Marioupol was about to fall to the people that live there. So the crummy psychos of NATO could not get to Minsk fast enough to rescue Poroshenko's fascist army. The time was used to restock the criminals with more American arms and they then resumed shelling of the civilian population of Donbas. Once again the miners and workers of the east are smashing the fascist scum so they need to keep smashing them until they destroy them like the Red army destroyed the fascists at Stalingrad.
