Saturday, February 21, 2015

John McAfee: Security is an Illusion

 "Security is an illusion... We don't get out of life alive — none of us, so there can be no absolute security. That's the certainty."

Andrew Demeter is a young American political activist, amateur filmmaker, entrepreneur, journalist, and author. His documentary 'We The People, Genetically-Modified?' won first prize in C-SPAN’s 2014 StudentCam competition. To collect the award, he visited the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. where he met and questioned former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, on matters concerning the National Security Agency's metadata collection. He recorded the short confrontation with his mobile phone, and the video subsequently went viral online. American radio host and documentary filmmaker Alex Jones has glorified Demeter as "a successful, young journalist…just by asking real questions!".

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