Saturday, February 21, 2015

Doomsday! Will a Supervolcano End the World?

 In this video we provide List of all very active Supervolcano locations in the world. A Supervolcano is not an ordinary Volcano It's not just a regular Volcano, it's a Supervolcano. A Supervolcano can rain superheated rocks and debris down over great distances. An eruption of that magnitude would fill the atmosphere with ash, sulfuric acid, and sulfur dioxide, and could potentially cause (and actually has, in the ancient past) a new Ice Age. Volcanic eruptions are categorized by the VEI (Volcanic Explosivity Index) on a scale that goes from 0-8, with 0 being non-explosive and 8 being a supervolcanic eruption. In other words, as life eliminating as you can get. You might think of these kinds of super volcanos as existing only in prehistoric times, but you would be wrong. There are many known, active super volcanos in the world today. And if you want more volcano lists check out the worst & largest volcanic eruptions on earth and death by volcano lists.

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