Friday, January 2, 2015

The Reset of 2015 -- This Will Be the Big One : Bill Holter

 Bill Holter, who is an expert on gold and finance, says look out for a big “reset” in 2015. Holter predicts, “I think there is going to be a reset of asset prices, a reset of currencies and a reset on the values of everything. I also think credit will actually seize up in and around this reset. What I really think you are going to see with a credit seizure is a problem with distribution. When I say distribution, look what happened this past week in Belarus. Because the Russian ruble collapsed, the Belarusians, because their currency is tied to the ruble, they went out and made a run on their banks and went into stores and took everything off the shelves. How are those shelves going to get restocked?”

Holter closes by warning, “I suspect what is going to break are the derivatives, the $303 trillion in derivatives that the big banks have, and it will crash the world. This is not just a U.S. problem--this is an international problem. When this thing blows up, it will be unlike anything that has happened since the Great Depression and before. This will be the big one.”

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