Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Nostradamus Prophecy -- CERN LHC turned on in March 2015, Black Hole Doomsday Machine?

The CERN LHC collider will be turned on again in France in March 2015 at increased power. Could it be a black hole Doomsday machine, creating a Black Hole or Strangelet that eats earth? Will there be earthquakes and volcanoes then?

March 2015: The CERN LHC near Geneva Switzerland is to be turned on again in March 2015 at a higher energy level, there is the possibility of the LHC creating a black hole that destroys earth. At a higher energy level this becomes more possible. And so increased earthquakes and volcanos could occur starting in March 2015.

Video on a Prophecy of French Prophet Nostradamus and and also Bible Prophecies on the CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC particle accelerator creating a Black Hole or Strangelet Doomsday for earth. A prophecy of French prophet Nostradamus, 9 44, may predict the CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC proton particle accelerator built near Geneva on the France Swiss border may produce a black hole or strangelet particle that could swallow earth or cause some other great disaster. Also Book of Revelation prophecies on this subject. RAYPOZ in Century 9 Number 44 may refer to the positive ray of the LHC. Could this be a Doomsday Machine? Did Nostradamus warn us from 400 years ago about scientists creating a Doomsday Machine with the CERN LHC? 

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  1. how about the antichrist being congress and AIPAC this video looks like a george bush CIA device to make believe fiction that becomes reality however inverted because of the king james version and the AIPAC antichrist which is nothing more than washington DC, 666 is america the land of the slave and the devil
