Thursday, December 4, 2014

World War 3 : The Russian Bear of Gog prepares for War with the Beast over Ukraine

Russia prepares nuclear surprise for NATO
On September 1, 2014 the US State Department published a report, in which it was stated that for first time since the collapse of the USSR, Russia reached parity with the US in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. Thus, Washington admitted that Moscow regained the status that the Soviet Union had obtained by mid-70's of the XX century and then lost. According to the report from the State Department, Russia has 528 carriers of strategic nuclear weapons that carry 1,643 warheads. The United States has 794 vehicles and 1,652 nuclear warheads. It just so happens that today, Russia's strategic nuclear forces (SNF) are even more advanced in comparison with those of the US, as they ensure parity on warheads with a significantly smaller number of carriers of strategic nuclear weapons. This gap between Russia and the United States may only grow in the future, given the fact that Russian defense officials promised to rearm Russia's SNF with new generation missiles.

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  1. pope francis you can explain to european leaders that, the all mighty is able to perceive further than they do, europe has no choice but to exit NATO-OTAN reunite with Russia and distant themselves from washington, moreover they have no other choice. why be hard headed and try a path that will always invert itself.. the economy can only be prosperous in EUROPE and life will evolve the moment they exit NATO-OTAN and bring Russia into the european union. no matter what they do it will always fail no matter what any economist or financiers predicts it will fail, in short they do as the all mighty suggest because that is how things will be. so now you understand the importance of your visit to the chateau de pape and st petersbourg.

  2. nuke wall street and save the planet

  3. washington is the problem of western civilization and western civilization will survive and the evil dung of washington barbarians will disappear, they are not animals or human beings; as animals deserve more respect than those abortions of nature that walk around in washington.

  4. Russia is not the problem, they are doing what any country would do. Reacting to US aggression which the press does not report, over throwing Sovereign Governments and installing banker puppets. Russia is doing what they should be doing nothing more nothing less. They know the US is trying to undermine their country and God help the world if we have a Fascist US government in charge of this Earth. Russia and China are our only hope to pull these bastards into line bit no one will print or tell you that.The US Government is evil to the core and cares not for its people only the Globalists.

  5. Scrap NATO as it is merely the cat's paw of Yankee arrogance and hegemony. Truman tried to use nuclear blackmail on Russia by bombing by nuking Japan in 1945. Luckily for the world Stalin built his own bomb and now Russia is thwarting the arrogant American bastards yet again.

  6. If stupid American religious bastards want to Russia "Gog" how about calling the USA by the more appropriate name of "Gob" as all they ever do is "talk a good fight".
