Thursday, December 4, 2014

Build up to WW3 : The Russian Bear of Gog drops gas pipeline to EU, courts Turkey (Dec 03, 2014)

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin conducted a one-day powwow with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a meeting between two of the most outspoken and demagogic statesmen on the planet. Putin's visit to Ankara was carried out with fitting pageantry: an escort of liveried cavalrymen on horseback, a full military salute and a series of discussions in the cavernous halls of Erdogan's vast, new presidential palace.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. obama and bush is the same as sarkozy and hollande in france, cameron and tony blair. harper and his previous vicious pm. abbot and bibi in israel, are the same only way to fix humanity is to join putin & china so this monsters that claim democracy to a brainwash west realize is over and return to being humans as dajjal if you like is the lot of them. washington DC wall street, london city etc. to remove them we need the chinese and the russians. them once the AIPAC lot has gone to hell you americans will celebrate liberty and hopefully freedom and chose a decent government. by supporting Putin and china the trick can be done as the american citizens obviously and globally reject the american policies of the insane washington. a clever way to free america without firing a shoot 0.... a global demo supporting PUTIN and china will give the proper result, so hope anonymous will cooperate and the alternative media. the strategy is one thing the result is what matters.

  2. If I wanted to watch Fox News or CNN, I would watch Fox News or CNN. I subscribed to this service because I thought that it was independent of these major lying outlets.

    The truth is that the US´s CIA deposed the democratically elected leader of Ukraine, placing their own puppet in Kiev. Then, when he proceeded to carry out his dirty work on the eastern Ukrainian citizens, it is my understanding that they turned to Russia since they are Russian speaking people. So how these guests on these two despicable networks can reverse that to say that Russia is the nation that has denied sovereignty is just downright blasphemy.

    The CIA is just an extension of the Jesuits, and as such will be part of enabling the One World Government to commence which will be disgusting for all decent people of the world who simply want peace, the kind of peace that President Kennedy wanted, not the United Nations.


    Arlene Johnson
    To access my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

  3. This Nazi are the enemies of everyone apart from their arrogant American sponsors. I hope Russia does soon attack and drive this bunch of Nazis out like they did in 1944.
    To hell with Poroshenko and his Nazi supporters from Treezoob and Swoboda, may they be sorted out properly the same way the Red army sorted out the SS.
