Monday, October 13, 2014

US Wars a Gift to Capitalism

American political commentator Daniel Patrick Welch says US wars are a gift to capitalism for maintaining Washington’s global Ponzi scheme.

“This war is the gift that keeps on giving in capitalism for maintaining this global Ponzi scheme where you have this pyramid with a few people at the top being super, super rich and there are massive humanity at the bottom who are basically starving,” he said in a phone interview with Press TV on Saturday.

“War has to have an enemy, so you have to be able to label people and tell the commoners ‘who is who’, and who is the person they shouldn’t trust and should fear, so that we can keep funding these wars,” he added.

“Those are the looters, those are the terrorists, those are the rioters, the bad people, and therefore we need to take your money and buy these incredibly expensive stuff (military equipment) and drain the economy,” the analyst said.

He made the comments when asked about a deal between the Pentagon and the Afghan Air Force.

Federal auditors said on Thursday that most of the C-27 transport aircraft given to the Afghan military as part of a failed $486 million program were locally scrapped for just $32,000.

“Unfortunately, it’s completely unsurprising,” Welch said. “It’s a perfect scam.”

“It’s just the tip of the iceberg. This brings us back to hundred-dollar paper clips in the 80s and the two trillion dollars that somehow went missing, unaccounted for in the Pentagon budget, announced by Rumsfeld shortly before the September 11, attacks,” he continued.

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