Monday, October 13, 2014


As the false flag terror sponsor Saudi Arabia threatens the West with the claim that "ISIS Will Be Here Soon" and warns of an "imminent threat" from which the U.S. and Europe "can't hide", Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal joins us to dissect the despicable, sinister plans of the New World Order and the madness of the 'Grand Chessboard'. The pieces are all lining up to take the world directly in to World War III if the maniacs in power are not stopped.

1 comment:

  1. currencies are intrinsic therefore it is you russia who does deside how much your petrol is worth, so stop petrol to europe and them prices will go up, as the other nations will have to buy it from somewhere else, and if this somewhere else does not exist, them there are buyers but not sellers, the fracking is ruining the usa of america but they print their own money, so this toilet paper is saving this fracking companies. so russia change tactics forget the world think petrol as without petrol and gas there is no industry, exit wall street. all nation s need petrol they do not need dollars, just petrol and gas. nations that have petrol are king,"reason why israel and endless wars are on the middle est. dump dollars but most important dump wall street..
