Sunday, October 19, 2014

Paul Craig Roberts -- The FED in Panic Mode, Gold Rallies Dollar Sinking

Paul Craig Roberts -- Fed Afraid Rising Gold will Sink Dollar

Economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “The reason they want to hold the gold price down is they are afraid of its impact on the dollar. The reason why they had to suppress the gold price is they had to protect the dollar from quantitative easing (QE) because they were printing trillions and trillions of new dollars.” Roberts, who was an Assistant Treasury Secretary and the so-called Father of Reaganomics, goes on to say, “This was worrying people around the world who hold dollars because the dollar was increasing, but not the goods and services in the American economy. So, when the gold price took off, the Fed said this endangers QE because if the dollar is declining in value relative to gold, it must also be declining in value relative to other currencies. Once the exchange rate starts collapsing, we lose control. So, we got to suppress gold. I don’t know which side of the equation will play out first. I don’t know if they will run out of gold to deliver to India and China or people will say this is a rigged scheme and we are just not participating anymore.”


  1. Old news Dr. Very old.

  2. basically president Obama is a prisoner of AIPAC and wall street and wall street uses congress to pressure the president, therefore the way out is to liberate OBAMA from this organization, to do that you need to cut gas to europe so europe will react now them once minds begun to understand you them things will be easy, as well cut gas diplomatically like maintenance find an excuse, not a drastic quarrel. once that done europe will distant from washington, and obama can be liberated from the AIPAC congress wall street gang. forget the saudi kingdom just get all petrol producer together however not the saudi kingdom they must be excluded you sell petrol oil in rubles or gold same for iran and the lot with the exception of the saudi kingdom. they will continue to use the petrodollars, not the rest of oil producing nations.. and all shall be working as expected for a progressive world..
